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Pastor Jerry Theckson
Jun 10, 20243 min read
One more day in Nairobi...
Yesterday we flew in from the Villages and our largest School in the Western Kenya area of Bukura! We are feeding about 1000 kids a day
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Pastor Jerry Theckson
Jun 7, 20242 min read
Western Kenya...
This is at the farm this morning, with Esther, Enos’ mom, and Sierra who is doing great!
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Pastor Jerry Theckson
Jun 6, 20242 min read
The Kibera Slums...
We walked through the Kibera slums today, and had a great time with the people in Kenya’s largest and most violent slum!
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Pastor Jerry Theckson
Jun 5, 20241 min read
Dr. Lev is back in Ukraine...
There are difficult times with electricity in Kyiv right now. In fact, at our house per day they only provide 2 hours of electricity in the
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Pastor Jerry Theckson
Jun 4, 20242 min read
Amson Center...
It was so moving to help serve lunch and know that they are getting this full meal, at least once a day! There is such respect and gratitude
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Pastor Jerry Theckson
Jun 3, 20243 min read
On to Nairobi...
I always try to ask God to use my flight time for something meaningful! Today I had just flown into Addis from Tel Aviv
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Sue Theckston
Jun 3, 20241 min read
On the road again...
Just a quick update on the status of our team...Rolfe is safely home in the U.S., Dr. Lev is headed back to Ukraine and Jerry has boarded
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Pastor Jerry Theckson
Jun 2, 20242 min read
Our last days in Israel...
The little station in the foreground of my first picture is the entrance to the place where Jesus distributed the ‘two fish and 5 small
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Pastor Jerry Theckson
Jun 1, 20243 min read
Mt. Tabor...
This is Mount Tabor, where Jesus was transfigured! Mark 9:2. We have committed to pray over Israel at all the sites where we stop to
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Pastor Jerry Theckson
May 31, 20243 min read
Thoughts from Israel...
We had a couple major issues on this trip that I didn’t know how they could possibly be resolved! Dr. Lev Prystupiuk had a medical...
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Pastor Jerry Theckson
May 30, 20242 min read
Today in Israel...
Rolfe, Lev and I spent the day in Jerusalem! But the most exciting thing was the people God prepared ahead of time for us to meet!
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Pastor Jerry Theckson
May 29, 20241 min read
A Day in Tel Aviv
This is a new fountain that they have put in on the Jaffa hill! (In Acts 9:36, it is called Joppa). We spent time on top of this hill,
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Sue Theckston
May 27, 20241 min read
Israel and Nairobi
Jerry, Rolfe and Lev arrived safely in Tel Aviv and are going to be staying with our dear friends, the Gharkavenkos.
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Sue Theckston
May 26, 20241 min read
From Ukraine to Moldova...
Normally, in wartime, it takes at least 3 hours to cross the border - but this was the fastest ever! This was followed by an additional 5
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Pastor Jerry Theckson
May 26, 20242 min read
Just back tracking a little bit to Sunday...
After we ate they asked questions for two hours about what the Scriptures have to say concerning the days and times we are in now!
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Pastor Jerry Theckson
May 25, 20241 min read
Bombing update...
This is the railway station in Kharkiv which was bombed while we were on our way to Chernivtsi!
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Pastor Jerry Theckson
May 24, 20243 min read
News from Chernivtsi...
The Holy Spirit filled the room with His warmth and love throughout the night! It was so exciting to hear them express their deepening
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Pastor Jerry Theckson
May 23, 20242 min read
Journey from Kharkiv to Chernivtsi...
Russian forces launched a massive air attack on Kharkiv and the Kharkiv region, using at least 15 missiles. This brutal assault resulted in
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Sue Theckston
May 21, 20241 min read
Brief update...
They have no power and there was a lot of bombing where they are throughout the day - in both Nipro and Novomoscosk.
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Pastor Jerry Theckson
May 20, 20243 min read
On the front lines today...
Today we spent the day just behind the front lines! We were invited to be part of the tank battalion that is fighting right by the Russian
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